firth of forth artinya
- firth of forth
- firth: muara; firth; john rupert firth; j. r. firth
- forth: ke hadapan; maju; keluar; jauh
- colin firth: colin firth
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- The bridge spans the Firth of Forth, connecting Edinburgh, at Queensferry, to Fife, at North Queensferry.
Jembatan ini menghubungkan South Queensferry di Edinburgh dengan North Queensferry di Fife. - By October, Mar's forces (nearly 20,000) had taken control of all Scotland above the Firth of Forth, apart from Stirling Castle.
Pada bulan Oktober, pasukan Mar (hampir 20.000 orang) telah merebut kontrol atas seluruh Skotlandia di utara Firth of Forth, selain Kastil Stirling. - In July 1651, Cromwell's forces crossed the Firth of Forth into Fife and defeated the Scots at the Battle of Inverkeithing (20 July 1651).
Pada Juli 1651, pasukan Cromwell melintasi Firth of Forth menuju Fife dan berhasil mengalahkan orang-orang Skotlandia dalam Pertempuran Inverkeithing pada 20 Juli 1651. - In September 1692, Sibbald found a blue whale that had stranded in the Firth of Forth – a male 24 m (78 ft) long – that had "black, horny plates" and "two large apertures approaching a pyramid in shape".
Pada September 1692, Sibbald menemukan seekor paus biru yang terdampar di Firth of Forth—seekor jantan dengan panjang 78 kaki—yang memiliki "plat yang hitam dan bertanduk" dan "dua bukaan besar yang bentuknya hampir seperti piramida". - Their relationship with the Picts, who lived north of the Firth of Forth, has been the subject of much discussion, though most scholars now accept that the Pictish language was related to Common Brittonic, rather than a separate Celtic language.
Hubungan mereka dengan suku Pict di utara Prancis menjadi topik dari banyak diskusi, meskipun kebanyakan sejarawan menerima bahwa bahasa Pict pada masa itu merupakan bahasa Bryton yang berkaitan, namun berbeda, dengan bahasa Britania.